St. Vincent’s Home for Boys, Brooklyn, early 1970s. For Lionel Essrog, a.k.a. The Human Freakshow, a victim of Tourette’s syndrome (an uncontrollable urge to shout out nonsense, touch every surface in reach, rearrange objects), Frank Minna is a savior. A local tough guy and fixer, Minna shows up to take Lionel and three of his fellow orphans on mysterious errands: they empty a store of stereos as the owner watches; destroy a small amusement park; visit old Italian men. The four grow up to be the Minna Men, a fly-by-night detective agency-cum-limo service, and their days and nights revolve around Frank, the prince of Brooklyn, who glides through life on street smarts, attitude, and secret knowledge. Then one dreadful night, Frank is knifed and thrown into a Dumpster, and Lionel must become a real detective. As Lionel struggles to find Frank’s killer–without letting his Tourette’s get in the way–he’s forced to delve into the complex, shadowy web of relationships, threats, and favors that make up the Brooklyn world he thought he knew so well. No one–not Frank, not Frank’s bitter wife, Julia, not the other Minna Men–is who they seem. Not even The Human Freakshow.
This was a decent watch. Kind of long. Definitely dragged at times when it very much did not need to. But it hooked you and kept your attention. The cast was awesome and Edward Norton was amazing as always.
I would kind of recommend people checking this out. It's a decent watch with good performances if you have the time.