Can we please stop with the Japanese remakes of PG-13 horror movies? The zone is so beyond flooded with them. And for the love of God - if you are going to make a "horror" movie . . . . make it rated R!!! Anywho, this movie could have actually been somewhat decent if they decided what kind of a movie they wanted to make. Without going to much in to spoiler territory, this movie is part Hand That Rocks The Cradle, part Sixth Sense, and then part Grudge/Ring. It would have been a fine movie if they wanted Elizabeth Banks to play the crazy lady moving in on the family. It would have been fine if the main girl ended up in a Sixth Sense type situation. It would have been fine if the freaky images that the main girl saw a la The Grudge/The Ring guided her to the end. However, the fact that they tried to mash all three together made this movie utterly absurd. I was even okay with the Hand That Rocks The Cradle/Sixth Sense combo. It was the creepy/freaky images portion of this movie that left you staring at the screen with a "What the hell" face on when the credits started rolling. Side note . . . . . nothing says getting back at your future stepmother that you suspect of killing your mom like taking the batteries out of her vibrator. That's like Revenge 101.
I wouldn't really recommend this movie to anyone. Its really not worth it . . . . .even for the "horror" junkies.