This movie was hysterical. I don't think that I've ever seen social awkwardness portrayed in a funnier way. Paul Rudd was so spot on with his uncomfortableness. His stumbling over his words when trying to say something clever when ending a conversation was priceless. Jason Segel was a perfect match for him in these scenes with his straight faced "what?" responses. This movie also featured awesome supporting roles. Jamie Pressley and Jon Favreau were hilarious as another couple in the movie. The quirky man-date actors that kept showing up throughout the movie were hilarious. Adam Sanberg, JK Simmons and Jane Curtain were also awesome as Paul Rudd's family. Perhaps the best part of this movie, was that they didn't push the envelope in terms of sex sight gags that I feel is killing most comedies that come out. There were one or two conversations that were sexually blunt, but they were done in a way that was still funny and didn't cross in to nasty/gross and it made it seem that much more real.
I fully recommend that everyone get out there and see this movie. It was filled with huge laughs and I cannot wait for the blooper reel on the DVD.