This movie is poop. Straight up poop. Its like a really boring episode of CSI: Antartica. I have seen better suspense while watching paint dry compared to this movie. The story was absolutely horrible. She get duped by her partner, kills her in self defense and . . . . . . goes to Antartica to be the marshal there!?! Seriously? And the continuity in the freezing cold was the funniest stuff ever. They did this whole scene with the "new guys" showing them how cold it is there and then every time that she was out in this blisteringly cold snow, from her nose down was exposed. She lost two fingers to frostbite yet her lips, cheeks and chin never even got red much less frozen. It was absurd. Absolutely absurd.
I wouldn't recommend seeing this movie. Ever. Its a big steaming turd that should never be watched by anyone.