Why are they still making these movies? Why am I still watching them? I like the first three of this series. I cared about the pretty clever story line. However, the story line has now become so convoluted that they have to keep showing you flashbacks to random scenes in the first 5 movies in the franchise to refresh your memory. And even though they are showing you the flashback - I still don't remember it ever happening much less mattering. I mean someone is really writing parts in to Saw VI based on a random scene from Saw III from three years ago!?! That's just plain silly. And don't even get me started on how Jigsaw has now been dead for three movies. Would we still be watching Friday the 13th movies if Jason wasn't in them? Seriously! This franchise really needs to be put down.
I wouldn't recommend anyone checking this out. Avoiding this really is the only way to stop them from churning them out year after year.