This movie is exactly what you expect it to be. Its got crazy special effects, lots of action, stereotype characters, pulls lots of heartstrings and has lots of extra storyline fluff that wasn't necessary. There is absolutely no way that this movie should have been almost 3 hours long. The could have mimized the governmental should we-shouldn't we blah blah. They could have cut out entire characters who really ended up not mattering in the end anyway. They could have left characters getting together by the end of the movie alone because not a single person in the audience cares. This easily could have been an hour and a half disaster movie. That being said - the movie is very watchable as long as you leave your brain at home and just enjoy the ride because ultimately thats all the movie is - one crazy ride. If you are able to do this, you can end up enjoying your time . . . . . . even though it is almost 3 hours of your time.
I would recommend people checking this movie out if you are in to special effects bonanza popcorn movies. Its probably Roland Emmerich's best movie since Independence Day. That's not saying much considering that the offers inbetween were Godzilla, The Day After Tomorrow and 10,000 BC, but its the closest he's come to the fun and crazy movie going experience that he first threw out there with Independence Day.