Every year there is one of these. There is always one movie that comes out this time of year that is a very well made movie in every way. It will probably get nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, and numerous Best Acting nominations. However, I am just not into it at all. Last year it was The Reader. This year it is Invictus. I knew all along that I was watching a "great" movie, but I wasn't remotely hooked by it at all and just kind of watched it completely uninterested. I guess it didn't help that I know absolutely nothing about Rugby. There were a lot of very dramatic rugby scenes where I had no idea what was going on. I have a whole new respect for people sitting through sports movies that have no idea about sports after seeing this one.
I am really not the right person to be recommending or not recommending this movie. If you want to see all the oscar worthy movies - you should check this out. I was pretty bored by it though and felt it lacked a legitimite emotional hook.