Wow. This was like watching a massive train wreck. The most deranged and "what the f#ck" face causing train wreck of all time. Adrien Brody is now my number one example of why actors or actresses should not win an Academy Award unless they have a big enough pedigree regardless of how good that one performance was. Halle Berry used to have this honor for all the crap she's made since winning a couple of years back. With this movie alone - Adrian Brody has blown her out of the water. I literally sat there for 2 hours saying "that's an oscar winner". The way that this movie got more and more absurd as it went on was mind numbing. To be honest - I have no idea how I made it through the whole movie.
I would absolutely not recommend anyone checking this giant turd out. I went in with bottom of the barrell expectations and got even less. Very rarely am I this embarassed to say that I saw a movie.