I can't remember the last time that I quoted a movie trailer as often as I have quoted this one for the last two months. As absurd as this may sound - this was actually one of the top 3 movies that I was looking forward to this summer. There was just something super quirky about all the ads for it that made me laugh . . . . . . . and the movie did not disappoint. It wasn't drop dead awesome like I had hoped, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very funny, very cute, and super short. There is no way that you can't LOVE the little girl in the movie. If you don't - I will officially hate you in return. The only knock that I can make against this is that with the 3 -4 different trailers for this movie, I felt like I had already seen at least 1/2 of the movie already. They probably should have held back more on that.
I definitely recommend everyone checking this out. Its great for both kids and adults and is more than worth your time and money.