I must tell the truth and say that I turned this movie off after 33 minutes. It wasn't that it was the worst thing I've ever seen. I just figured I had too many things to do other than continue watching it. This is yet another of those it is what it is movie. Its a 70s exploitation movie with crazy over the top gore, lame writing/acting and a grainy feel to the film itself. Machete kills anyone that gets in his way . . . . . in the nastiest way possible. For example, I turned it off shortly after he gutted some guy and used his intestines as a rope to jump out of a window and go two floors down.
My recommendation for this movie solely depends on if you like these kinds of movies. If you do - you will laugh and have a great time watching it. If you don't (or you are too busy like I was) you shouldn't bother with it.