At this point, the Harry Potter movies are a lot like Pixar movies. They are automatics. Sure, you might be disappointed with certain aspects of them as fans, but they all are still awesome. This one is probably the best made one out of the entire franchise. If just felt more seriously done than the others. At times I forgot that this was about a fantasy world and what not. Their was a couple of times where the pacing slowed down a little more than I would want it to, but it also wasn't as anti-climactic when "Part 1" ended like I was afraid it would be. And even with the slow paced moments, the movie did not feel like you are sitting there for 2 1/2 hours. The cover a lot of ground and hit the floor running right from the start.
Does it really matter if I recommend this or not? If you are a fan - you will see it. If you haven't seen any of the others yet - you won't. I really enjoyed this movie and simply cannot wait to see the finale of this amazing franchise.