I am in total and complete shock at how much I loved this movie. At this point, Adam Sandler movies are all the same. At this point, Jennifer Aniston is the biggest sham of all the actresses because she really has done NOTHING outside of Friends except get dumped by Brad Pitt and milk the living $hit out that. However, this movie trumped both of those things. This was easily the best Adam Sandler movie since his early ones. I still consider Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore and Big Daddy to be classic comedies but it grew very old since then. I enjoyed 50 First Dates a couple of years ago but even that seemed a little forced. This one didn't. I laughed my a$$ off. He was great. She was great. Their chemistry and playing off of each other was great. The kids were great. Shocking. Totally shocking.
I never thought I would say this, but I fully recommend that everyone check this one out. It is easily the funniest movie to come out in a long time and you find yourself rooting for the desired outcome.