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- Shia LaBeouf returns as Sam Witwicky in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. When a mysterious event from Earth's past erupts into the present day it threatens to bring a war to Earth so big that the Transformers alone will not be able to save us.
- I know that sequels for the most part are never as good as the original. But do they have to be this crappy? The first Transformers is one of my favorite movies. It felt like an event movie. The effects were great. The story was cool. They had the perfect amounts of comedy/sarcasm and side characters - including the Transformers themselves. Shia LaBeouf was on track to become Will Smith/Tom Hanks-ish. The second one was too much . . . . . of everything. Too much Megan Fox. Too much of the slapstick comedy and side characters. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many robots. Too much story crammed in there. Shia was still good though. So they got rid of Megan Fox. Thank God. They limited the side characters. Thanks again. The story was actually really strong and they even factored it in to past American history. Thank you. All in all - this one was definitely a better movie than the second one. HOWEVER . . . . . . that is pretty much the only good thing that can be said about this movie. No. I'm sorry. There are two more things. Shia is still great. I really love this kid. His delivery of sarcasm and comedic fear are awesome. And for once, I have to admit that the 3D effects mattered. Normally, I'm just annoyed to be wearing the glasses and don't care at all about the effects. This movie definitely made it worth having to wear the glasses. That being said - the bad . . . . . They replaced Megan Fox with some random model who - I never thought I would say this - was worse than her. The movie was like seven years long. I went to a 7pm showing and felt like it was 3am when it was over. The action was still way too much. The ending of the movie with the crazy destruction of Chicago was insane. It was just non-stop and became annoying overall.
- Would I recommend this movie? No. Hell no. I wish that they could go back in time and not make this one or the second one and leave Transformers as a stand alone movie with all of its awesomeness intact. Sequels like this ruin the original. It's like the Star Wars prequel dampening Star Wars or that Crystal Skull garbage tainting Indiana Jones. Just stop already.