This movie started off really good. I was loving the cinematography. The shots were awe inspiring and there were numerious times where I caught myself with that WOW look on my face. Both Stinka and I were really enjoying the movie. Then it just seemed to hit a massive wall as most nature documentaries do. Once you hit the 45 minte to an hour mark most of the awe fades away and you are left wondering how much longer until the credits show up on the screen. The other thing that needs to be mentioned for adults taking their kids to see this - there are a lot of survival of the fittest moments in this movie that while they don't get graphic might scare a lot of the younger kids that see this.
I would somewhat recommend this movie. Like I said, it was really interesting at the start and lasted for a solid hour or so before the boredom took over. Maybe check it out but leave halfway through?