This is a really strange movie watching experience. The performances are great. Downey Jr and Foxx are awesome as always. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie is total garbage. Its all over the place. It might honestly be some of the worst editing I've ever seen. I would actually buy that the editor was half in the bag while editing this. Either that, or its just about the choppiest script ever written and Downey Jr and Foxx tried to do the best with it that they could. I figured that something had to be up when this movie was bumped from a Thanksgiving release brewing with oscar contention to late April. Now I totally get it. They would have been horribly embarassed to release this under the guise of oscar buzz because it couldn't be less worthy if it tried.
I wouldn't really recommend that anyone check this out. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I was royally disappointed by this movie even with the great performances by the two excellent actors.