Once again - if you see the commercial you see the movie. Nothing extra comes out of actually watching the 90 minutes of the movie. Boy fights on the streets. Boy gets seen by guy wanting to be a promoter. Boy meets girl he likes. Promoter gets him a fight. He wins. $10 please? Anywho, Channing Tatum is just filling the stereotypical role of the underdog with the rough life finally getting a random chance to make something of himself. Its like Step Up . . . . . . with ass kickings instead of dancing. And why in the blue hell does Terrance Howard insist on making crap like this? The man turned down being part of the Iron Man franchise to fight for more money, but he'll do this? Fire your agent.
I really wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. Watch the commercial and leave it at that. No reason to drive to a theater, spend your money, and waste 90 something minutes when you can just not fast forward your DVR'd show and pretty much see the movie in a 30 second promo spot.