In Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) again joins with the Autobots against their sworn enemies, the Decepticons.
Instead of Transformers 2 this will forever be referred to by me as Transfomers
2 Much. Holy crap! Why couldn't they just make a simple sequel. Instead they crammed in
too much action. There were numerous points where there was so much happening that I had no clue what was going on.
Too much robots. What was wrong with the ones we had already been introduced to? What in the blue hell was the need for the robot that somehow turned in a human? Especially, since it was basically for one part of the movie never to return?
Too much blah blah story. The autobots work with the government . . . . but the government wants them out? Sam goes to college. I got that in the preview. Why did we need a 30 minute build up of that.
Too much time on Sam and the girlfriend. As well as they played off of each other in the first one - at no point have I ever actually given two craps about whether or not they love each other.
Too much of the parents. They were the funniest part of the first one. Why couldn't we just leave it alone with them being in the beginning? They really need to end up being part of the big battle and what not?
Too much annoying complimentary characters. Including the aforementioned parents - the complimentary characters were great in the first one. This one consisted of the overexposed parents, John Turturo in the most stupid way to possibly be written in, the most annoying college roommate ever, and two sidekick autobots that made me want to scream every time they were on screen. Seriously. They made Jar Jar Binks seem awesome.
Too much forced humor. What made the first movie so enjoyable besides the effects was the sarcastic humor running throughout. This one was filled with stupid humor. The two Jar Jar robots talking ghetto? The bad ass Devastator robot having wrecking balls for testicles? Even with all of my ranting this is a watchable movie . . . . . as long as your expectations are really low. The first movie was one of my favorite movies of all time. Needless to say - I had pretty high expectations for this movie.
I don't really think it matters whether or not I recommend this movie. Everyone will be seeing it at some point regardless. Just be sure to have low expecations because this is nowhere near as good as the first one. Its essentially a massively overdone sequel in every way possible.