Will Ferrell stars as has-been scientist Dr. Rick Marshall, sucked into one and spat back through time. Way back. Now, Marshall has no weapons, few skills and questionable smarts to survive in an alternate universe full of marauding dinosaurs and fantastic creatures from beyond our world - a place of spectacular sights and super-scaled comedy known as the Land of the Lost.Sucked alongside him for the adventure are crack-smart research assistant Holly (Anna Friel) and a redneck survivalist (Danny McBride) named Will. Chased by T-Rex and stalked by painfully slow reptiles known as Sleestaks, Marshall, Will and Holly must rely on their only ally - a primate called Chaka (Jorma Taccone) to navigate out of the hybrid dimension. Escape from this routine expedition gone awry and they’re heroes. Get stuck, and they'll be permanent refugees in the Land of the Lost.
This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I stared at the screen for an hour and a half with a disgusted look on my face that I couldn't get off for another hour and a half of mumbling how horrible it was. And I have always been a big fan of Will Ferrell. I love Danny McBride too. I liked the tv show. This was just plain atrocious. It was so bad I don't even want to rant about it. I don't want to spend one iota of time referring to this piece of garbage.
Don't see this movie. Ever. Seriously. Its a lock for worst movie of the year and might make my top 10 of all time turds.