I thought for sure that Land Of The Lost was a lock for worst movie of the year. There was no way that it could be topped. Then I went to see Year One. How in the blue hell could a movie with the actors in this and directed by Harold Ramis be this horrible. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I left about half way through when Michael Cera had to rub oil on an overly fat/hairy Oliver Platt's chest. Why is it so hard to make a quality comedy!?! The Hangover is completely hysterical. Its simple and its balls out funny. This (preceeded by Land Of The Lost) is one of the most unfunny movies I've ever seen. The really insulting thing is that it could have been funny . . . . . if it went with high brow smart writing. Instead, there would be a one liner or a scene that could have been funny (like the cavemen experiencing the wheel for the first time) but the scene goes way too long and then falls in to juvenile fart humor.
I wouldn't recommend anyone seeing this ever. I couldn't even finish it. I'm not sure if its the worst movie of the year over Land Of The Lost yet because I think I expected more out of that one but if its not number one this is a lock for number 2.