This movie was completely great . . . . . . . for the first 2/3 of the movie. It was more of a drama than a comedy, but I was totally in to the characters and the one liners were all perfectly delivered by the great cast and were hilarious. I was really impressed with Adam Sandler actually acting and not being over the top silly like he always is. The relationship between him and Seth Rogen seemed very genuine. You really felt for Sandler as he coped with death coming. You were excited when he found out that he wasn't going to die. And then the movie just kind of hit a wall and had no idea where it wanted to go. It just sort of stopped and treaded water. It was so disappointing considering how in to the first 2/3 of the movie I was. I ended up not caring what was going to happen with Adam Sandler and Leslie Mann and was generally annoyed at how it turned out.
I fully recommend that everyone check out the first 2/3 of this movie. Its awesome. Just be sure to stop watching after Adam Sandler ends up being okay because it becomes rather pooptastic from there on.