Harry Potter movies are always awesome. The books were awesome and every installment in the movie franchise always makes my top ten list at the end of the year. This movie is no different. The magical effects are great and not too over the top. We are just as attached to the characters as we've always been and its actually pretty amazing to see how much the kids have grown as actors. The back and forth between Harry and Ron in this movie was some of the funniest moments in the franchise. There really is only one knock that I can make against this movie and its only because of how I felt about the book. The movie standing alone is awesome. However, my favorite part of the book was the battling at Hogwarts that led to the climactic scene in the tower. I couldn't wait to see that all played out on screen. Apparantly I'll never get to see it though because that was what ended up on the editing room floor. The bad guys showed up and the next thing you know they are in the tower talking to Dumbledore. It was a little disappointing because of how excited I was to see that part from the book. Outside of that, this movie is just as good as the others. If I had to rank them in order, this would probably be in the top three for me with Prisoner Of Azkaban and Goblet Of Fire.
I don't really think it matters if I recommend this movie or not. Most people are going to see it and the ones that haven't seen any of the Harry Potters probably won't. Its yet another great addition to an already amazing franchise.