Never in my life have I been more embarassed or shocked to write something like what I'm about to write. Here goes. I loved this movie. Its out there. I can't take it back. Everyone reading this will know now. I loved Bandslam. Its beyond formula. Its beyond cliche in every way possible. Its a girly teeny bopper movie. And I loved it. This will forevermore be on my top ten list of guilty pleasure movies. I don't know if I loved it just because Stinka loved it so much (her favorite movie of all time now knocking off Step Up 2 The Streets) or not, but I can't tell a lie when it comes to movie reviews. I loved Bandslam.
Even with my above admittal, I can't fully recommend that everyone go and check this out. It is not a good movie. I just loved it. If you have kids - they too will love it. If you are a teenage girl - it will challenge Step Up 2 The Streets for your fave of all time.