I was so geeked out when I heard that they were making this movie. I was a HUGE G.I. Joe fan when I was a kid and loved placing the names of all the characters with the marketing stuff that was coming out. There were a couple of years there where I used to carry my Snake Eyes figure with me everywhere. He was a favorite of mine on par with Yoda, people!!! Then, I saw the trailers for this movie and figured it was going to be horrible. However, I'm not sure if its because they made me have such low expectations or what but this was a simple summer popcorn movie action flick that ends up being easily enjoyable. Snake Eyes was worth the price of admission alone. The action was over the top and the script was beyond corny. However, its fun. Its not going to be winning any awards or gettting critical acclaim whatsoever, but its just plain fun. And for those of you that are G.I. Joe fans, this movie actually did an awesome job of laying the groundwork for character development with the intent of this becoming a movie franchise. The build up of the the villain trio of Cobra Commander, Destro and Zartan was great to the old school fans of the cartoon and toys. The only bad thing with this stuff was that I really wish they would have gone with a different mask for Cobra Commander. Just the geek in me talking out loud here.
I would recommend people checking this out. Its in no way a "good" movie, but it is a surprisingly good time at the movies considering how bad it looked. To quote my friend, "they should really kill the guy that put together the trailer for this movie."