Honorable Mentions - The Blind Side and Paranormal Activity
The Blind Side was easily the feel good movie of the year. Its one of those rare movies that just makes you happy to be a human being and knowing that there are such amazing situations/circumstances/truly decent people out there. Paranormal Activity was not a "great" movie by any means. However, it was one of the most terrifying movie going experiences of my life. They both deserve honorable mentions for that.
10. Harry Potter And The Half-Blood PrinceWhat more can be said about this franchise? Six movies deep and they are always on my ten best list. The only reason that this one is so low is because I'm still mad that they cut out my favorite part of the book with the bad guys working their way up to the tower through Hogwarts.
9. Up In The AirThis was a great character piece. I think all the best picture of the year buzz is a little bit too much to say the least, but it is still a great watch.
8. Where The Wild Things AreLoved the book. Loved the movie. Its that simple. I thought they did an awesome job of capturing all the different emotions that kids go through and how Max projected them in to the different "wild things" amazingly.
7. I Love You, ManI love Paul Rudd. His dry humor is awesome. I also love Jason Segel. The chemistry between the two of them was hysterical and this movie was loaded with great supporting roles that were equally as funny.
6. WatchmenI know that this movie failed to meet most people's expectations. Not mine. I loved the story. I loved the political satire of it. I loved the way it was filmed. This movie deserves a lot more credit and accolades than it received.
5. Avatar
You can knock the story line for being unoriginal. You can harp on the movie being too long. Regardless, this is the most amazing visualization that I've ever seen.
4. The HangoverEasily the funniest movie of the year. Honestly, its one of the funniest movies ever. This is by far the movie that I watched the most this year and it never stopped being funny.
3. Star TrekNever was a trekkie. Honestly, never liked the movies too much. This one kicked total ass though. Great young cast. Great quick paced action and story. If they others would have been more like this I would have been a trekkie.
2. Up
I've said it ten times now. Pixar doesn't do bad movies. This one is actually one of their best. Never in my life did I think I could become so connecting to an animated on screen couple based on a 6 minute montage. I was devastated when Carl's wife passed away and couldn't stop pulling for him for the rest of the movie.
1. Inglourious BasterdsEasily Tarantino's best movie since Pulp Fiction. The subtitle thing bugged me, but the way that he had so many storylines come together was amazingly flawless.