Starring Michael Cera and based on the acclaimed novel by C.D. Payne, Youth in Revolt is the story of Nick Twisp – a unique, but affable teen with a taste for the finer things in life like Sinatra and Fellini – who falls hopelessly in love with the beautiful, free-spirited Sheeni Saunders (Portia Doubleday) while on a family vacation. But family, geography and jealous ex-lovers conspire to keep these two apart. With Sheeni’s encouragement, Nick abandons his dull, predictable life and develops a rebellious alter ego: Francois. With his ascot, his moustache and his cigarette, Francois will stop at nothing to be with Sheeni, and leads Nick Twisp on a path of destruction with unpredictable and uproarious consequences.
Yet another shining example of why NOT to go to the movies in January. This comedy isn't remotely funny. Michael Cera plays the same damn character again and has morphed in to being pretty damn annoying. If you see this, you basically just sit there for an hour and half asking yourself why are you watching it.
I wouldn't recommend that anyone wasting their time with this one. Its one of those movies that will just make you annoyed that you can never get those 2 hours back.