Um . . . . . . . uh . . . . . . I don't really know how I felt about this movie. It was really good at times and then at other times it was about as entertaining as watching paint dry. Denzel Washington was good and Gary Oldman was awesome . . . . as always. I just feel like the directors were too high on themselves and the movie too often. It had this kind of annoying holier than thou attitude and made it king of annoying for big portions. The Max Max element was there and there are numerous points where this movie is crazy violent. The religious belief debate between Denzel and Gary Oldman is great. It was the dreary bla bla bla talking parts that held this movie back from being really great. Its still watchable but not as much as one would have hoped.
I would lukewarmly recommend this movie to people. If nothing else, its the first movie that has come out this year that didn't make me want to stab myself in the eyes. Just be sure to keep your expectations pretty low.