I'm not really sure what to make of this movie. Its not as traumatic as most of the other Nicolas Sparks books turned in to movies. And I think thats pretty much because there was just too much going on with this story. For the first 3/4 of the movie its going one way and then all of a sudden takes a really strange turn that kind of throws away what they spent so much time building up for the first 1/4 of the movie. I really can't say too much more without giving it away. But I definitely think that they kind of dropped the date movie/romantic story ball as the movie progressed and decided to just pull as many "disease" heart strings instead. Its not that the movie was bad - it just kind of shot off in a completely different direction. and left me confused about liking it or not.
Like I said - can't really say whether to recommend it or not. Just be warned that the formula portion of what to expect from this movie based on the commercial ends up not being true.