I loved this movie. I am absolutely shocked at how much I loved this movie. For the record, I called the big surprise twist 6 months ago when I first saw the trailer. I won't say what it is becuase if you don't expect it or have guessed it already it is one hell of a twist. However, I figured that knowing what was going to come would completely desensitize me towards giving a crap about the movie. I was dead wrong. Scorcese's film style in this movie made me unable to look away. I was so into watching the story unfold even though I knew where it was going to take me. That's awesome filmmaking, people! And even though it wasn't a scary movie there are 1 to 2 times in this movie where even the strongest minded of people will jump out of their chairs. This movie is one of the biggest rarities in Hollywood. Its a "psychological thriller" that sucks you in psychologically and is actually thrilling to watch.
I very strongly recommend that people check this movie out. Its the best movie to come out this year as far as I'm concerned.