This movie is a decent watch as long as you keep your expectations in check. Its a good heavy with the special effects action movie. It reminded me a lot of The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. There are much worse things that you can do with two hours of your life than watch Sam Worthington follow Arnold Schwartzenegger's career path. Terminator . . . check. High profile/big budget movie with James Cameron . . . . . check. Run around in the sand and fight crazy stuff like Conan . . . . check. Kind of surprised he wasn't in the upcoming Predator reboot at this point. Anywho, I digress. Although the movie was definitely watchable, it could have been much better. I hate in movies when they spend so much time building up characters and then they are just gone. So much effort was put in to the build up of the other guys traveling with Perseus. He actually had this whole dramatic speech before they went after Medusa. And then, SPOILER HERE, PEOPLE . . . . . they all got knocked off over the course of 45 seconds maybe. I wasn't even sure which dude it was getting killed. Movie could have been an hour and half without building up this eventually random guys. Also on the "could have been better kick", this movie is by far and away the biggest ripoff "3D" movie to date. If they would have made the movie in 3D from the start - it could have been great. However, making it and then turning it 3D after the fact is just insulting and an excuse to charge more money. I watched half the movie without the glasses on and NOTHING was blurry. About the only 3D effect I'll ever remember from this movie is my stepson having a ridiculous leg cramp that made him have to suddenly stand up in the middle of the movie for about 5 minutes. Did I mention that he is a giant? His mother, my friend and I were cracking up. Luckily, the rest of the audience probably thought it was part of the movie . . . . IN 3D! Okay - I've ranted enough. OH WAIT! No I didn't. Question to add to the never going to be answered list . . . . . . . why the f#ck was Zeus so damn shiny!?! Every time he was on the screen it was the most annoying flashlight in your face type effect. WHY!?! Okay - now I have ranted enough.
Even with all the waa-waa I just typed there, I'd still recommend any action/special effects fans checking this out. The movie is very flawed at points (and an absolute sham in 3D) but still watchable anyway.