This movie was downright absurd with all the characters and silly storylines. However, I thought it was hysterical. James Marsden absolutely stole the show as the accidentally high boyfriend of the dearly departed's niece. I couldn't stop laughing every time he was on screen. Its one of those roles where I have no idea how they were able to catch it on film without all the actors losing it completely. Tracy Morgan also carried his weight and played off of the cranky Danny Glover really well. Surprisingly, neither Chris Rock or Martin Lawrence brought much to the movie though. They were hilarious when playing second fiddle to Morgan or Marsden but didn't provide too many laughs by themselves. The fact that the movie was super short also helped because it prevented a lot of the storylines from getting too dragged out.
I would recommend people checking this out if they are looking for a laugh. Its not the funniest thing you'll ever see, but its short, tight and has enough laughs in it.