This was an incredibly well done movie on many different levels. The way it was filmed and the use of cameras kept you very involved in the story as it developed. The sound that would creep up whenever something weird was going to happen to Portman was as exciting as the smoke monster noise on Lost. The parallel of the ballet performances story being the same thing happening to Portman's character was so well written. All of this doesn't come close to being the best part of the movie though. That would be the constantly unnerving psychological suspense that keeps you hanging on to every scene dying to know how its all going to play out. There are just random what the hell moments throughout the movie that keep you on the edge of your seat. Its great to see Portman back to the great acting that she is capable of. She never should have let George Lucas direct her through romantc dialogue scene. Both her and the movies should be up for a lot of year end awards.
I absolutely loved this movie but can't really recommend it to everyone. It is totally not a mainstream movie. Its very artsy and is a complete mindscrew at times, but this type of movie would have to be your cup o tea to enjoy it like I did.