Ordinary Angels

A struggling hairdresser finds a renewed sense of purpose when she meets a widowed father working hard to care for his two daughters. With his youngest critically ill and waiting for a liver transplant, the fierce woman single-handedly rallies an entire community to help.

This is one of those annual faith above all movies where every heartstring is pulled mercilessly and what not.   These movies are either waaaaaaay too much or actually very enjoyable watches if done right.  This one was done right and I liked it very much even though I knew what a sap fest it would be.  It was done well enough that you get caught up in the story even though you know how it's gonna go.  The two lead actors did a really good job with their parts.

I would recommend anyone who is feeling down and at the end of their rope checking this out.  It could definitely inspire you in one way or another hopefully.