I am a huge fan of these books. Stinka got me in to them and I've read all four so far. It takes an adult maybe 30-45 minutes to read one of them. Its half written and half cartoon like seen in the poster. However, the stories are so on point to how kids feel at this age and totally take you back to that time in your life. As for the movie, I can't remember the last time that a movie was this true to the book. There are always liberties taken and what not, but not here. It was cute. It was silly. It was funny. Adults will like this just as much as the kids. And I want to also give them big props for not throwing the word 3D on there to get parents to take their kids to it. I wish more kids fare wouldn't go the route of milking that.
I very strongly recommend everyone checking out this one. Its a great family film and will be enjoyed by all.