This was a really good political suspense drama. I had been knocking this movie for the last couple of months based on the ads for it that it was The "Bourne" Zone. It had the same actor, director and film style. Who were they trying to kid. (Side note - same thing goes for the forthcoming Robin Hood. Felt like I was watching a trailer for Gladiator with him wearing green and shooting arrows instead . . . . Gladiator Hood?) I could not have been more wrong. This movie was nothing like the Bourne movies but equally as enjoyable. Usually, heavy political action movies tend to fall short. This one did not. It was very believable with great performances across the board. You could totally buy Matt Damon in this role.
I would definitely recommend people checking this bad boy out. Regardless of whether you find the movie to be fact or fiction, it is definitely entertaining as hell.