This movie is nothing more than a wannabe Nicholas Sparks book/movie. Its all about family issues with the dad being emotionally disconnected, the sister being some kind of artistic savant and the brother having died a couple of years ago until a new love interest shows up and everything becomes okay but suddenly the main character dies at the end to gut wrenchingly remind us just how fragile life is. However, this movie makes Nicholas Sparks look beyond generous with the mudslide, car accident, or cancer deaths. I'm going to go ahead and spoil a major point of this movie because I think it is inhumane not to for anyone who would be devastated by it. The dude ends up being in one of the towers on the morning of 9/11. What the f were they thinking!?! I can't get over how many people are going to have a "girls night out" and go see hottie Edward from Twilight and get punched in the stomach over the loss of a brother, sister, father, mother, husband, wife, son or daughter on that day. I knew about it going in and still couldn't believe what I was watching as it all panned out. This is not the type of thing that you can throw in a movie and not let people know. This is not a proper swerve/sudden ending! You go in to see a "heartwarming romance" and have wounds torn back open and pounds of salt poured in to them.
I wouldn't recommend anyone seeing this movie. Its a textbook sapfest with a unecessary gut shot of an ending that will open a lot of wounds and thoughts after watching a movie that is totally not worth your time or money.