This movie is hilariously great . . . . . if you are or were a Star Wars fanboy. I am an admitted Star Wars fanboy. The first Star Wars was the first movie I ever saw in a theater and that has stuck with me to this day of my movie addicted life. I was just as excited about Episode I as the characters in this movie were and had the conversations that they have about it with my friends. The random dialogue and joke references towards the movies had me laughing out loud. The flip side of this is that if you are not or never were a Star Wars fanboy, this movie might be one of the silliest things you've ever seen. Its your text book road trip movie but instead of pushing sex, drugs and hijinks - its pushing Star Wars moments. This has the ability to end up being a total cult favorite when it hits DVD.
I couldn't possibly recommend this movie more to die hard Star Wars fans. They will fully enjoy it. Others should not waste your time.