This is your textbook date movie. It has a portrayal of every type of "dysfunctional" relationship and pretty well developed characters. You find yourself rooting for some of them and hating some of them. You also know damn well how its all going to turn out and that makes the 2 hour plus running time a pretty big stretch. Even with the long running time, it is definitely a watchable and enjoyable movie. I love how its based on the age old premise that girls are told that if a boy treats you like crap it means he likes you. I have always thought that is the dumbest thing you could possibly tell a little girl and could totally see it screwing them for life. The opening scene of this movie where this is shown/explained is about as classic as the orgasm scene in When Harry Met Sally.
I would recommend that people check this movie out. Its really not that painful of a movie for the guys that only go to see it because their girlfriend/wife wants them too and the women will love it.