I apologize but I think that Madea is one of the funniest characters ever. I could watch her for hours. I know that at this point it is just plain insulting that Tyler Perry is using this Eddie Murphy like silliness to get butts in the seats for his movies or television shows at this point but I don't care. Its hilarious. This movie is no different. When its about Madea the whole audience is cracking up. When its about Rudy from The Cosby Show being a strung out junkie - nobody cares. I wonder if I was the only one that can still only see her lip synching on those classic episodes where the family sang to the grandparents. Anywho, I digress. This movie was basically half great and half snooze fest. On top of the laughs - Madea delivers a speech on how everyone should just stop playing themselves as victims when they are responsible for where they are in life that was nothing short of phenomenal.
I'd recommend this movie to anyone that is a Madea fan . . . . . . . or obviously a Tyler Perry fan. Even though the non-Madea down time is rough, it all comes roaring back the second she gets back on screen. If you aren't - I would stay as far away from this one as you did the others and try to find a sense of humor, people! How can anyone not find Madea hilarious!?!