This movie is pretty much what you saw in the commercial. Its your textbook character out of her element movie. You know she's going to fall in love with the new area she has to go to. You know that she's going to fall for the guy. You know she's going to throw in the towel for her old life and enjoy her new found life. I know all of this - and I didn't even bother watching the end of the movie. Its not that the movie was horrible. I just didn't care enough to make it past the first 35 minutes. The Minnesota is cold jokes had already gotten old. Renee Zellwegger had already reached her usual annoyance level with me. And I already knew damn well where this movie was going to go. This was essentially a movie version of an ABC series, Men In Trees, from a couple of years ago and if I didn't feel like watching that from the comfort of my own home - why would I bother watching the rest of this movie that I started watching only because the kids movie wasn't over yet and there wasn't anything else I hadn't seen yet?
I wouldn't recommend anyone bothering to check this out. Its really just kind of there and not worth your time at all.