Lame. So very lame. Bored at watching people get terrorized lame. How do you pull that off? I guess I should have started by saying that of all the 80s/90s horror movie franchises, Nightmare On Elm Street was my least favorite. Loved Michael Myers, could tolerate Jason Voorhees, Leatherface was scary as hell and never got his fair due, but I was never that into Freddy Krueger. About the only good part of the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise was Freddy's witty banter and sarcasm. You knew that he would kill the kids off one by one and you basically just wondered in what absurd way would the next one die and how funny would Freddy be while doing it. In this one, there was nothing different about any of the deaths whatsoever. More upsetting though is that Freddy didn't even start with the witty ranting until the end of the movie. By the time they got to there, I was ready to leave due to the complete lack of interest in the movie whatsoever.
I do not remotely recommend people wasting their time with this movie. Of all the recent remakes, this is by far and away the lamest one.