Let me just state for the record before proceeding that this is one of the most ridiculous, silly, over the top movies I have ever seen. That being said, this movie was so ridiculous, silly and over the top that I ended up really enjoying it. Its NOT a good movie at all. I would never recommend this to anyone as a good movie. I liked it because of how not good it was. Michael Cera plays the same damn character that he has 10 times already. The story is ridiculous. The batman like fight words throughout were insane. The dialogue was totally straight from friends sitting around bs-ing. Yet, all of that mushed together and thrown on the big screen was so bad that I liked it.
Again, I wouldn't blatantly recommend that anyone watch this. Its a bad movie. But if you are like me and can derive joy from something so bad that it ends up being good - you should go check this out.