This is literally an urban wannabe version of Heat. Heat happens to be one of my favorite movies of all time. Its one of those that I stop what I'm doing if I'm flipping through the channels and see that its on. Unfortunately, this wannabe urban version of it is just kind of there. Idris Elba is no Robert DeNiro. Matt Dillon is no Al Pacino. Chris Brown and T.I. aren't even actors! And the director comes nowhere near building the level of tension that Michael Mann did in Heat. Hell, most of the really cool scenes are taken straight after other heist movies. For example, the armored truck stuff . . . . been there done that in The Italian Job. And of course I have yet to address the biggest problem with this movie . . . . . or any movie he is in . . . . Hayden Christiansen. I hate him. The second I see him I get angry at how he destroyed everything I came to love about Star Wars.
I wouldn't really recommend anyone bothering checking this out. Its not that its bad. Its somewhat watchable but it is literally a knockoff of Heat and other heist movies.