Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant, based on the popular series of books by Darren Shan, is a fantasy-adventure about a teenager who unknowingly breaks a 200-year-old truce between two warring factions of vampires. Pulled into a fantastic life of misunderstood sideshow freaks and grotesque creatures of the night, one teen will vanish from the safety of a boring existence and fulfill his destiny in a place drawn from nightmares.

I hadn't read this series of books so I had no advanced ties to the story or the characters. I would like to think that maybe I would have enjoyed this better if I had read the book though because there really was no hook with this movie whatsoever. The main kid was annoying. The special effects were pretty cheesy to say the least. The assortment of freaks, some actually played by legit actors, weren't on screen nearly enough. The only thing that made this movie the slightest bit watchable was John C Reilly's vampire. Unfortunately, most of his screen time was shared with the really annoying main kid.

I wouldn't recommend that anyone check this out. Its just kind of there and is in no way worth your money much less your time.