The Darkest Hour

The Darkest Hour is the story of five young people who find themselves stranded in Moscow, fighting to survive in the wake of a devastating alien attack.

Holy giant turd!!!  This started out like a somewhat decent alien attack type movie with one cool effect.  I repeat - ONE - cool effect.  It was somewhat watchable.  However, about halfway through instead of just having the people get killed off one by one as they try to find an escape, they decided to add new characters as the movie went along.  Words do no justice to how more off the wall these people got.  First there was a Russian girl whose only point in the movie was to be angry when she was called a kid.  Then there was the mad scientist who somehow during the five days that had past since the alien invasion managed to turn his apartment into a farraday coge surrounding it with metal wiring and what not and created a microwave gun that looked a hell of a lot like the guns from Ghostbusters.  After those guys they ran in to the metal shielded army led by General Key Vest.  No joke - it was all keys.  This guy had a vest that was pretty much made of 7,000 keys.  That's like extreme janitoring.  The movie just downward spiralled in to a giant mess that the only source of enjoyment was making fun of how bad it was.

I wouldn't recommend even someone I hate seeing this.  It's absolutely horrible.  Unless you love the new Key Vest style from Russia.  Then it's awesome.