
After receiving a sweepstakes letter in the mail, a cantankerous father (Bruce Dern) thinks he's struck it rich, and wrangles his son (Will Forte) into taking a road trip to claim the fortune. Shot in black and white across four states, Nebraska tells the stories of family life in the heartland of America.

This is one of those movies that you know is great as you are watching it because of the simplistic way of filming and non-spoken acting in family dynamics.  It's also one of those movies that I didn't find nearly as great of a watch as I knew the filmmaking was.  That's not to say it was a bad movie.  I enjoyed it and thought that the family dynamics portrayed were very honest and real.   I would say it was a good movie - but not great like most critics would promote.  The story is very simple and its really the characters in the family that carry the whole thing.  The one knock I can honestly make is that this movie did not need to be nearly 2 hours long.  They could have shaved off like 20 minutes and it would have been much better.

I would somewhat recommend people checking this out.  Again - it's not a bad movie.  It's just not a Best Picture worthy movie in my book even with the great style of simple, basic filmmaking that it went with.