Sinister 2

The sequel to the 2012 sleeper hit horror movie. In the aftermath of the shocking events in Sinister, a protective mother (Shannyn Sossamon) and her 9-year-old twin sons (Robert and Dartanian Sloan) find themselves in a rural house marked for death as the evil spirit of Buhguul continues to spread with frightening intensity.

Not sure that the original called for a sequel.  There is also a reason why this was released in August.  It was pretty much garbage.  The male lead was just plain awful.  Actually all actors in this were pretty much awful.  The somewhat original idea from the original was barely enough to carry that one and seemed just plain silly by the end of this one.

I wouldn't recommend anyone wasting their time or money on this turd.  There were some cheap sight scares but nothing more than that.