Taron Egerton is set to star as Elton John, aka "Rocketman." The film will focus on Elton John’s beginnings, starting when he was a prodigy at the Royal Academy of Music and carrying over to when he reached global stardom through his influential and enduring musical partnership with his songwriting collaborator Bernie Taupin. It will be a biopic that looks at the performer’s life past the glitter saturated image we have grown so accustomed to associating with the performer.
This was a tough one to review. I like Taron Egerton's performance a lot. I liked how true the movie was to Elton John's life and NOT like the holding back that they did in Bohemian Rhapsody with Freddie Mercury. I love Elton John's music BUT the playing of it in this movie felt extremely forced. Like it was a musical that was not fluid at all with the music and that always annoys me.
I would lukewarmly recommend this movie to people. It's not bad. It's actually pretty good but the forced music thing held it back from being truly great.
This was a tough one to review. I like Taron Egerton's performance a lot. I liked how true the movie was to Elton John's life and NOT like the holding back that they did in Bohemian Rhapsody with Freddie Mercury. I love Elton John's music BUT the playing of it in this movie felt extremely forced. Like it was a musical that was not fluid at all with the music and that always annoys me.
I would lukewarmly recommend this movie to people. It's not bad. It's actually pretty good but the forced music thing held it back from being truly great.