Beau Is Afraid

Beau Wasserman is the son of a famous and wealthy businesswoman, Mona. He grows up without a father, who his mother says died during an orgasm (which was also when Beau was conceived), a hereditary medical condition that she claims was passed down to Beau.

Reread that synopsis.  I dare you.  Reread it without mumbling the words WHAT THE FUCK.  Now if you make it past that imagine that this movie is THREE HOURS LONG.   I made it almost half way before pulling the plug and just kept mumbling what the fuck am I watching the whole time.   I couldn't possibly imagine continuing.  

I would not recommend anyone ever bothering with this.  It is a massively too long waste of time.  I don't even see how this could get one of those ooooh it's so well done artistic rubs.  Like it was just weird as hell for the sake of being weird.