The Bikeriders

Over the course of a decade, a Midwestern motorcycle club evolves from a gathering place for local outsiders to a sinister gang, threatening the original group's way of life.

This is a weird movie to review.  The acting was great.  The authenticity of it was great.  The narration of everything was great.  But like the movie's story progression was non-existent.  There were like zero ups and downs.  It was just like you were there for a random length of time with the characters.   Like instead of a story it was just go hang out with the biker gang and shoot the shit.  It was very strange and kind of ruined what could have been a really awesome movie had this not been the case.

I would not really recommend anyone rushing to see this.  Like I said - the acting was good but this movie is nowhere near a must see and it surely is not the epic it was advertised as.  Pretty disappointing.