
Norbit (Eddie Murphy) has never had it easy. As a baby, he was abandoned on the steps of a Chinese restaurant/orphanage and raised by Mr. Wong (Eddie Murphy). Things get worse when he's forced into marriage by the mean, junk food-chugging queen, Rasputia (Eddie Murphy). Just when Norbit's hanging by his last thread, his childhood sweetheart, Kate (Thandie Newton), moves back to town.

This is basically just another chance to watch Eddie Murphy play as many characters as possible in one movie. It worked amazingly well with The Nutty Professor because I still think that when he played the whole family at the dinner scene is one of the funniest scenes in a movie ever. As far as Norbit goes, there are some really funny moments and you find yourself laughing really hard from time to time. Unfortunately, the overall story is beyond lame and kind of holds the funniness back at times. Eddie Murphy is still one of the funniest people alive though.

I would recommend people checking this movie out if they're looking for a laugh. It's not a great movie, but there are definitely some really worthy funny moments.